2011 awards

A motley group of Irregulars (plus the odd wife, partner and child) collected in the Red Lion to hand out the 20111 season’s awards – as voted for by your good selves.  Here are the results!

Player’s Player of the Year : Mansoor Hussain – not just a sentimental vote but also the highest wicket taker, and holder of the new run-out record for a season.  Dave Hobbs a close second.

Best Guest : Wayne Totty by a street.

Best Newcomer : Richard Parrish by a similar but more sophisticated street than Wayne’s!

Clubman of the Year : Dave Hobbs for persistent cheerfulness in spite of horrific abuse from colleagues.

Champagne Moment : Dave’s wicket of Malcolm Marshall Jr.  Take us through it again Dave?

Hero of the Year : Nigel Barker for turning up with his kit on a couple of occasions despite barely being able to put his socks on.

Golden Duck (for most ducks) : Andrew Meakin – although a few candidates on 2 such as Tony Dowd and Phil Hamilton, but Andrew’s goldie just squeaked it – no pun intended.  The trophy will be delivered nest season Andrew!

Best Domestic : Neil and Harry Bartlem for a mid-pitch slanging match over they were running singles or twos.

Best Assault on a Pensioner : Harry Bartlem’s roughing up of Kinnerton’s “senior” number 10.

Best Tea : Louise has to win or we don’t get any teas next year…

Biggest T**t : Pete Jones

Well done to all the winners!

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