2011 awards

May 30, 2012

A motley group of Irregulars (plus the odd wife, partner and child) collected in the Red Lion to hand out the 20111 season’s awards – as voted for by your good selves.  Here are the results!

Player’s Player of the Year : Mansoor Hussain – not just a sentimental vote but also the highest wicket taker, and holder of the new run-out record for a season.  Dave Hobbs a close second.

Best Guest : Wayne Totty by a street.

Best Newcomer : Richard Parrish by a similar but more sophisticated street than Wayne’s!

Clubman of the Year : Dave Hobbs for persistent cheerfulness in spite of horrific abuse from colleagues.

Champagne Moment : Dave’s wicket of Malcolm Marshall Jr.  Take us through it again Dave?

Hero of the Year : Nigel Barker for turning up with his kit on a couple of occasions despite barely being able to put his socks on.

Golden Duck (for most ducks) : Andrew Meakin – although a few candidates on 2 such as Tony Dowd and Phil Hamilton, but Andrew’s goldie just squeaked it – no pun intended.  The trophy will be delivered nest season Andrew!

Best Domestic : Neil and Harry Bartlem for a mid-pitch slanging match over they were running singles or twos.

Best Assault on a Pensioner : Harry Bartlem’s roughing up of Kinnerton’s “senior” number 10.

Best Tea : Louise has to win or we don’t get any teas next year…

Biggest T**t : Pete Jones

Well done to all the winners!

Duke of Westminster’s XI v Northop Irregulars : Thursday 24 May 2012

May 30, 2012

At the third attempt, the Irregulars managed to get the 2012 season underway at Eaton Estate.  Games against Northop lads and Flexsys had fallen foul of the May monsoon but this was not a bad place to kick off the campaign.  The team included a couple of new yet experienced faces in Kev Patterson and Roy Pierce, and we welcomed back Nigel Barker after 2 seasons of immobility. Jonathan Fagan made his debut as a full member after his switch from Maeshafn in the last transfer window.

Pete won the toss and decided to have a bowl on what looked a good hard wicket.  Harry Bartlem opened up and bowled with his usual pace and bounce – but unusually a lack of direction, resulting in not many off the bat but a fair few byes to fine leg! Opening bat Heath also took one on the wrist having backed away into the line of a ball that would have passed behind him.  It looked a real nasty one.

We were following the usual 2 overs per bowler format at Eaton and Ushan had an opener caught by Phil early on.  Nigel’s pessimism about having to bowl underarm since his previous back pain had relocated to his shoulder seemed unfounded as his 2 over spell was accurate and testing, and brought about a run out after his size 10s blocked a straight drive.  Roy, Kev and Jonathan all bowled tight spells and we were holding Eaton to around 5 an over, helped by a slow outfield.  Neil’s 2 overs of wily spin tempted and teased and produced a stumping after the batter charged him but forgot to smite it to the boundary.    Nick Reay nipped in with a wicket and Ushan returned at the end of the innings to take his second.

The Eaton innings had been held together by Withenshaw batting at 4 who made a sensible and occasionally hard-hitting 25 before retiring, but no other batsman really cut loose and Irregulars were not unhappy to be chasing 120 to win.

Looking for a steady but start, Kev and Neil opened for us but only managed to stay together until the 3rd over when Neil missed a straight one and was bowled.  Nick went to join Kev and the 2 of them put on another 15 until Kev was also bowled for 13 including a couple of nicely timed 4s.  25 on the board in the 7th over and the innings needed some acceleration.

Pete went in looking to be positive and first with Nick who went for 8, and then Harry, got the scoreboard moving.  Pete went for 14 carving one to short 3rd man with the score on 40 but Harry was seeing the ball well and timing it better.  Phil Hamilton kept him company for a while until Harry retired undefeated on 27.

Phil followed him soon after and Jonathan was joined by Nigel who entered with it all to do with 40 still needed from the last 5 overs.  A circumspect start by Nigel gave little idea of what was to come in the next 15 minutes as he quickly sized up the bowling and started to turn the game back in our favour.  3 boundaries and some hard running with Jonathan had us closing in on the target with 12 came off over 17 and then Eaton brought on a Withenshaw who had clearly been held back as he was both pacy and straight.  Despite the step up in bowling class, Nigel took 7 of the 18th over.

Jonathan was bowled attempting to share the workload and takes an early lead in the Duck Race.  Roy came in to keep the flashing blade of Barker company, and did well in getting Nigel back on strike.  Over 19 went for 7 but still 10 were needed off the last over.  Eaton must have been confident given the quality of the bowler involved.  2 singles and a 2 came off the first 3 balls leaving 6 needed off 3.  Nigel chose this moment to produce the shot of the match, a powerful straight drive which bisected long off and long on for 4.  Surely we were there with 2 needed off 2 balls.  But wait, Nigel had reached 27 and had to retire leaving Ushan to come out to finish it off!  He didn’t tease us with a last ball finish as he squirted the ball away through square leg and he and Roy scampered the winning runs with a ball to spare!

What a great start to the season.  Coming out on the right side of a close finish in beautiful surroundings on a lovely evening left us wondering whether we should cancel the rest of the season and quit while we are ahead!  There were promising performances from our newcomers and, with 14 or so members this year, we have the nucleus of a decent squad.  The old adage of catches win matches was disproved as we put down half a dozen and only took one, the hardest of them all to Phil!

Man of the Match :  no doubt it’s Nigel for his match-winning knock and tidy couple of overs.  Honourable mention to Harry who started to turn the tide in our favour.

Champagne Moment : Again Nigel with his smash down the ground in the last over to bring us to the verge of victory.